
Media Runs False Flag On Alex Jones

The DNC appears to be crawling with provocateurs, and its no surprise they are circling Alex Jones, waiting to strike. As he takes to the street of Denver he has been harassed by "anarchists" who push, shove and slander.

On Monday evening Luke Rudkowski, of we are change, spotted Michelle Malkin on the street. Michelle is a neo-Con mouth piece who wrote the book, In Defense of Internment: The Case for “Racial Profiling” in World War II and the War on Terror. Malkin promotes the idea that Americans belong in FEMA camps, even if your only crime is looking like a "terrorist".

Jones and his film crew confronted Malkin about this issue in front of the Denver Mint as she took photos of protesters for her blog.

Luke exposes Malkin, he tells her about the first responders, and 9/11 victims family members, Malkin callously swats her hand,"can you get out of my way" never making eye contact.

Jones begins to break her down, telling her that she is a tool for the new world order, "looks like that evil is starting to get to your soul". After that she looks like she is about to cry, she turns her head and buries it in someones armpit.

Jones brings up the video footage of a marine throwing a puppy to its death. Back in March Malkin said the puppy was fake, when the puppy was obviously real (and to say otherwise was a little bit sick to be honest). He asks her why she never retracted or apologised. She and her crew left, and Alex followed.

In the middle of the video these guys wrap their arms around Alex Jones, they were loud and claimed to be "big fans", they were not. At one point they scream, "kill Michelle Malkin" over and over. A message of hate and threats, just the type of tactics Alex warned that they would use in the days prior to the DNC on his radio show. It sounds less like a message from a truther, and more like a message from a provocateur, similar to the guys caught at the
SPP meeting in Canada last year, they turned out to be cops dressed up like anarchists armed with rocks ready to incite a riot.

These clowns were not ready to throw rocks, but they did manage to cause some damage. The media is reporting that Alex Jones was the one calling for the murder of Michelle Malkin. and that he was yelling at her for supporting Marines who drown puppies, anything but the truth.
Blogger Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins just makes his own version up:

"Conservative blogger Michelle Malkin was beset by a horde of self-described leftist anarchists not far from the site of the Democratic National Convention earlier today. The mob was lead by well known left-wing conspiracy theory radio show host Alex Jones, who was there to lead a protest designed to (and I’m not exaggerating at all) levitate the Denver Mint so as to shake out all the money. The mob was organized under the banner “Re-Create ‘68″, with the goal of re-igniting the riots of 1968 around the Chicago Democratic Convention. Alex Jones is indeed a left wing blogger (with an army of left wing bloggers under his New Media umbrella). "

Calling Alex Jones a leftist and Michelle Malkin a conservative is ridiculous enough, but unfortunately, many people are beginning to repeat this disinfo, and have begun the campaign to paint the truth movement as a bunch of anarchists. Re-Create '68 is a group that Jones has NO affiliation with, in fact he warned specifically about Re Create 68 and their possible intentions at the DNC. Jones has never been violent and has only brought truth for those with eyes to see it. These accusations are absurd, the liars spewing them know it. This cannot go unchallenged.