
Milking Us For All We Are Worth

Earlier this month human breast milk was being included in at least 75% of "various soups and sauces" at Storchen restaurant, including a Chantarelle sauce with breast milk and cognac.

Hans Locher the proprietor of Storchen said the idea came to him after seeing young single mothers in his village.
He told reporters, "I thought to myself: why not make use of their potential?" Giving life was not full enough potential, Locher saw them as a commodity, full breasts ready to be milked for the connoisseurs of finer food.

Although Storchen was told to remove mothers milk from the menu, the absurdity continues. Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has asked
Ben and Jerry's to replace the cows milk they use to make ice cream, with breast milk. Another way for Peta to promote their agenda, and their hatred of man. “There’s no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They’re all animals.” - Peta Founder Ingrid Newkirk

This is the path that the Nazi's went down, dehumanizing us. As William Bramley pointed out in his book, The Gods of Eden, "Nazi concentration camp systems reduced human beings quite literally to the level of livestock." In fact, Heinrich Himmler the man who oversaw the camps, was a chicken farmer prior to becoming the second most powerful man in the Third Reich.

The Nazi's found use for every part of a human being, they ran the camps like any other business, focusing on the bottom line. In fact IG Farben operated many of the camps. Farben was at one time "the largest chemical manufacturing enterprise in the world" and they worked people to death. Afterwards they would harvest gold from their teeth, and took their hair, "even human skin was fashioned into lampshades and other decorative items." Ingrid Newkirk could agree with that, she plans on having her skin made into
handbags after she's dead.

Ultimately the Nazi model for tyranny would have to be stopped and global domination needed to be achieved more quietly. Much like the Huxley Brave New World model, control the masses by getting the people to "love their servitude". With little more than minimum wage they could hook those breeders up to milking machines for ten hours a day.

The image we are being given is similar to the picture painted by Jonathan Swift's "satire", A Modest Proposal. Swift outlines a plan to make children a hot commodity for a starving Ireland population. Today it is no joke, we have already been turned into human resources by governments and corporations, and now they have put the idea out there that we can become a delicious food resource, and all they have to do is milk us, literally for all we are worth.

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