
Tools Of Eugenics: Fluoride

-Charles E. Perkins, Chemist.
Exhausted, are the excuses, and imaginary reasons why our government has the right to "medicate" us. Continue to kid yourself and justify their assault if you must, but fluoride is no good, it is toxic!

"But its natural..."

Calcium Fluoride is what is usually found naturally in water. What is dumped into our drinking water, Hexafluorosilicic Acid, is not even similar to "calcium fluoride". Hexafluorosilicic Acid is a highly toxic chemical, that has a laundry list of ailments and diseases to go along with it. So dangerous that it has to be

transported in special trucks, it is highly corrosive. In NYC any truck carrying the Hexafluorosilicic Acid must notify the city, ironically, they fear that the terrorists could use it to poison the city's entire population. Yet we drink it, bathe in it, wash our clothes and dishes in it without hesitation. Considering the amounts we coat ourselves in, we should be more knowledgeable about water fluoridation. Fluoridated water is not beneficial to our health and naturally occurring fluoride is not essential for ANY living thing.
"its regulated"

Fluoride is added to our tap water at the "water treatment plant".

Whether or not we are poisoned is in the hands of, some random city employee, pouring in the Fluoride swill marked appropriately with a skull and bones picture. Acceptable amounts of fluoride to ingest is 1 part per million of water. More than 2 PPM has been ruled toxic, but acceptable levels allowed in our tap water have been rising, and because more than 90 percent of our public water is fluoridated, our food is grown with it, soda, soup, all canned with it, we are being bombarded with fluoride. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing how much of the toxic fluoride we have stored in our bodies, it stays in your body, for unknown period's of time "Half of all ingested fluoride remains in the skeletal system and accumulates with age" Dr. Hardy Limeback

"its good for your teeth and bones"

Too much fluoride is not good for teeth or bones, causing fluorosis (of the teeth and skeleton). Too much fluoride is especially harmful while teeth are forming (children), it has a toxic affect on tooth cells.
Last year the
National Research Council released the report: "Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards." The report said too much fluoride for babies is toxic. It advised parents feeding babies powdered formula to prepare it with un-fluoridated bottled water. Yet on our grocery store shelves we have "nursery water" a brand aimed at formula fed babies, loaded with fluoride. The report was released, with little or no mention.
This is INCREDIBLY dangerous, yet, the public draws a blank. Its no surprise, we are being misled, seven months after that report the
FDA gave manufacturers of bottled water permission to print claims on their labels that drinking fluoridated water may reduce the risk of dental caries or tooth decay. Instead of the DANGER warning fluoridated water should have gotten, it gets the FDA golden seal of greatness. Currently bottled water remains virtually unregulated. "43 of 50 states have the equivalent of fewer than a single staff person dedicated to regulating bottled water".

Its totally backwards.
They are not looking to protect, but to harm, and they are preying on YOUR inability to stay informed, drowning out the necessary information we need to make decisions. We just file in as complacent as the fluoride will get us, believing that no one would ever harm us...the government would never allow it. Do the research, WE are allowing it. In 1992, three counties of New Jersey had almost seven times the osteosarcoma (bone cancer) rate in males in the fluoridated communities compared to the non-fluoridated communities. It s a proven carcinogen, still they fluoridate.
"but my dentist says...."

In 1931 ALCOA, the worlds largest aluminum producer, was polluting the water with Sodium Fluoride, Children's teeth were turning yellow, because of the high levels found in the water supply. Sodium Fluoride is a toxic pollutant, the same type of fluoride that is found in toothpaste, (also was used for water fluoridation before Hexofluorosilic Acid) but The ADA calls water fluoridation "safe and effective measures for preventing tooth decay".

"Toothpaste Overdose" can cause convulsions, and a break down of your nervous and digestive systems, along with difficulty breathing, "The U.S. National Library of Medicine" recommends that you call poison control, as does the ADA, they list the phone number on every tube of toothpaste. As harmful as an accidental overdose can be, the amounts we pollute our bodies with everyday are just as harmful. We feel the effects of the poison, without recognition, fluoride lowers your IQ and it is a main component of anti-psychotic drugs, extremely dangerous for our children. We are drugged, like patients in a sanatorium.

Fluoridated water is a tool of control

The benefits to you, and I, the masses are non existent, the benefits to a government trying to CONTROL the masses are endless. In the 1930's Hitler created his plan of control, and force alone was not going to be enough. The plan involved what they called "water medication", (we call it "water fluoridation"). The Nazi's would contaminate the water supply to make the people docile (and sterilize them as well, leaving only the elite).

1940 the United States was exporting Fluoride to Russia, they used it in their prisons to tame their prisoners . And by 1942 fluoride turned from poisonous toxic waste to "water treatment". It was actually good for you! Americans were ready to join the prisoners from Hitler concentration camps and Russian gulags.

Most of Europe does not (openly) fluoridate their water. The UK, however has unknown amounts of prozac in their water, and its basic ingredient is fluoride, so, without any kind of announcement, they too are being medicated by the government. We have been conned.Water Fluoridation is destroying the will of the people. It is just one of the tools that is being used against the population, it's slowing us down. In order to Fight the tyranny, first we must DETOX. Filter your water, be sure to get a filter that will remove fluoride. The Big Berkey is terrific, as long as you include the Berkey Arsenic & Fluoride Reduction Elements. (Bottled water is a bad choice as an alternative, for a host of reasons)

Do Not Go Willingly!
